Different Types of Cargo Trucks for Transporting Goods

There are different types of cargo trucks to choose from, each truck has unique characteristics. Some of the trucks are good for heavy tasks, some are good for moving out or transport your goods from one place to another.

Actually, choosing a cargo truck depends upon your needs. To help you understand those needs, this article will discuss everything about the different types of cargo trucks and their capabilities when used for transporting goods.

Types of Cargo Trucks

Below are the following types of cargo trucks and their specifications.

  1. Semi-Trailer Truck

This type of cargo trucks is the most popular one. They are the most capable of transporting your goods from one place to another. Goods can be loaded from the back, the side, and from the top, but only after removing the tent.

A semi-trailer truck without tent cover looks like a big pick-up truck. It has a maximum load capacity of about 24,000 kilograms. This truck is recommended for transporting a palletized cargo.

semi-trailer trucks

  1. Straight Truck

This sometimes referred to as a box, cube truck or a cube van. Goods can be loaded only at the back, they are most commonly used for transporting furniture and other small items.

This type of truck is highly recommended for moving. It is more secure compared to semi-trailer trucks, besides it can also protect your goods from future damage along the way. It is also used to rush freight deliveries.

  1. Truck Trailer

This type of cargo truck is suitable if you always tend to rush things. It allows you to load and unload items more quickly. Besides, it also has a lot of space to carry goods. The loading capacity of this truck is up to 16-25 tons.

  1. Lowboy Trailer

It is most commonly used to transport tall items. Usually, goods that exceed the legal height limit are usually being transported by a lowboy trailer truck. Just like other trailer trucks, it can be loaded from the sides, the top, and the back.

  1. Jumbo Trailer Truck

It is the bigger version of the semi-trailer truck. It has a G-shaped floor with a small diameter wheel. The maximum weight of goods this truck can carry is 24,000 kilograms.

The trucks you want to use to transport items depends upon the volume of the items. Before hiring an equipment rental company like Strongbox, always consider the goods to be transported and only choose a truck that fits your requirements.