Instagram vs Twitter

Instagram and Twitter are both two of the most popular social media online. Not only have these two become intertwined, they have also become rivals. Even though both enjoy a different focus, there are similar things that you can do on both too.

Let us take a look at some of the differences between these two social media.

News orientation- Twitter is the more news-oriented place to go when a big event occurs. Twitter is still the place to go when small events occur too. Twitter is the event place. Instagram is not news-oriented. You can find pictures on Instagram but it might not be news.

Attention oriented- Instagram is your go-to place if you want to grab attention. Pictures and Photos posted on Instagram grab people’s attention and hook them. Twitter, on the other hand, is more of a gossip-hub. People talk about everything and anything and you just hear about it and forget about it. Instagram on the other hand, lands right into your head.

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Security- Many social media accounts have been hacked, but there is more value in hacking Instagram accounts than twitter. Many programs have been developed to hack Instagram accounts. Instagram password hacker like InstaPort can easily hack Instagram accounts.

Interconnecting- Instagram has the added feature of connecting with your other social media accounts. There is no such feature on Twitter and that makes it lose out one point. Instagram users find it easy to share their photos and messages since they just have to use Instagram.

Photo enhancement- Instagram has developed itself from simply being a photo sharing app to a photo taking app. The filters and enhancements provided on Instagram encourage users to take photos using Instagram. Twitter, on the other hand, concentrates on only sharing and sending messages.

Instagram and Twitter are both popular for their own unique features. However, since there is so much extra material on Twitter, Instagram has gotten more popular in the recent years. With this popularity, there is also the fear of Instagram password hacker.