If you find it hard to admit drug addiction or seek help to break the cycle, it is time that you consider Drug Rehabs. Drug rehab is a perfect place to start over because of the available therapies that will give you a chance to get back on track.
Essentially, drug rehabs can help in the process of restructuring your life so you can move forward without relapse. Drug addiction therapies can seem complicated but you should not be anxious. It can help ease your mind if you understand the different types of therapy offered.
Although not all rehab centers have the same services or therapies, there are some staples when it comes to drug addiction treatment. Here are the different types of therapy offered:
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy)
You must know that CBT and MBCT are both talking therapies. These therapies can help you realize the connections between your behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Essentially, CBT and MBCT are highly effective when it comes to aiding recovery as well as preventing relapse.
The ultimate goal of these therapies is to let you finally understand the reasons behind your abuse making it easier to overcome and recover from the addiction. A trained counselor helps hone in on your negative behaviors and thoughts. In the end, CBT and MBCT can help remove triggers.
MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction)
You know that stress can increase the likelihood of substance abuse. MBSR therapy can help soothe stress through yoga, body awareness or meditation. At the end of the day, these activities can assist in the untangling of unconscious interactions between your behavior and emotion.
The 12-step philosophy
Although this therapy was introduced in 1930, many therapists still use the method today. The approach includes admitting you have a problem, turning to God, asking God for assistance, making amends with people you have wronged, praying, meditation and spiritual awakening.
Family therapy
Family therapy is also included as part of your journey. If your family joins therapy, they will know more about their specific role in your recovery. With therapy, the family can also gain awareness of your behaviors and finally design ways to strengthen the family unit.
Relapse prevention
After understanding other forms of therapies, you should look into relapse prevention. Relapse prevention or relapse planning is an important part of every rehab treatment program. It can provide you with the right skills to maintain new and healthy long-term behaviors.
When you look at it closely, relapse can help you choose alternatives to handle stress after discontinued substance reliance. During the session, you and the counselor will identify relapse triggers as well as high-risk situations to help you manage situations and avoid relapse.
Final words
You can only recover and break the cycle if you choose the right rehab center at the onset. When it comes to looking for the right rehab center, you should consider the amenities or facilities, staff-to-client ratio, location, and cost. The key here is patience so you can choose an effective drug rehab center that you can trust.